currently obsessed with this VICEGRIP logo dannika and i made. its so fucking good holy moly
my website is finally 100%
domain bought all project pages complete with descriptions of the work. Cv added about page blipppped
its February 5th 2025. 6 something pm
5 years ago my grandpa went to a rehabilitation center and never came back home.
10 years ago i was a sophomore in highschool, obsessed and distracted in all the ways that count when your fifteen.
111 year ago i was a doorman and janitor. i knew very little of what the rest of 24 would have in store for me. I knew my paycheck held down an urgency in me that would thirst for something further. I knew i really enjoyed clocking out for my dinner break. I knew what i was doing would still take me to the stars I was trying to reach. even when i was in basements sorting through trash and pooopoo.
i have a poster in my room from a lauryn hill and fugees concert i went to with my dad. it has this beautiful image of lauryn drapped in a bedazzled headdress. the poster is dated October 19th 2023. one year later October 19th 2024 i would be in the UK for my second time. I look at this poster and think about this often. how in 2023 going to the UK was not even a concept to me. only for a year later...
time is a fickle thing. it continues to elude me. i constantly live within it.. i try to wrap my head around it and all my ages unravel between me. can you believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old? can you believe it once rained for a million years on this planet? whats a second to you? another moment caught in relapse from a habit you picked up a few centuries ago. something that you just know you're about to crack.
one day ill be 30. 60. i intend to live a long life.
whats that quote? something like, make a plan and god will laugh.
i wanna live to my 80s. god and i will laugh together on my way there.
whats one more year?

Tweet from earl sweat

lyrics from "Mirage" by Denmark Vessey
im listening to negro swan on vinyl right now
i don't have twitter and though i made a bluesky account its not something i use
and Instagram can be toooooooooo aaaaaaaaaghghghghgh
I'm thinking i can start writing here again when i need to post something to the void of the interwebs
look at all these earths behind my words
i named the file of the collage "many earth" no plural
because we only have one but there many versions of earth in the spirits of the animals that inhabit this earth
right now the earth is burning
it has been for many years since before me and my many mothers moons
Testing Testing 1 2 3 one two three
pick up your microphones hahaaaaaa
pick up your microphones
how many mics do we rip on the daily
say missy minnie monnie
say missie minni minni monnie