Initially, we had four 4x8 plywood boards strapped to the top of Ian's car with the map already filled in and laid out but the universe ultimately had different plans for us.
Immediately after getting off the Kosciuszko bridge all four of the boards flew off the roof of the car and onto the speeding highway… Fortunately, no one was hurt, we weren’t arrested and caused no car accidents.
Our piece was made roadkill.
Run over at least 30 times by the time we pulled to the shoulder.
Too dangerous to walk into highway traffic and retrieve the wood, we kept driving.
The 16x32 foot map of New York City became a part of the city over burning concrete and under tired rubber.
Drove to Home Depot.
Bought four more.
At the end of the day, most of the skate park had inscribed a piece of themselves onto our board… seeing themselves and their stories on the map.